Call for Abstracts

Submission process closed

Abstract format:

The selection of the communications will be made based on long abstracts (3 pages, approximately 1000 words) submited in PDF format through the conference website. 

Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee. Full papers will be requested after the conference following selections for books or special issues in scientific journals. Abstracts must contain the following sections and information: 

  • Title of the paper, name and affiliation of the authors, contact information for the corresponding author; 
  • Context and motivation: the context of and motivation for the research should be introduced, including a statement of the research question;
  • Methodology : the methodology should be described;
  • Results: the results obtained should be summarized (at least the partial results must be included in the abstract);
  • Conclusion: the contribution that the research makes to the existing literature or practice should be clearly stated.

Abstracts too vague to allow a correct assessment of scientific quality will be rejected.

Abstracts will be accepted for presentation, based on the recommendations of the scientific committee. Final acceptance is conditional upon the registration of the speaker to the conference, with the rule that each speaker can present just one paper. 

The intention is to organize books or special issues of selected papers in appropriate journals, dependent upon a critical mass of good papers on a specific theme. The editorial decisions will be made by the journals and papers will be subject to standard review procedures.

Important dates: 

Receipt of abstracts: 25th April 2014 

Notification of acceptance: July 2014 

Symposium dates: 15-17th October 2014 

Online user: 1